Sunday, October 5, 2008


I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations this week and the opportunity to get to know my classmates better. My 3 favorite were Kate, Jan, and Jess. Kate did a great job explaining how to make lemon bars and I'm not gonna lie they were probably the best lemon bars I've ever had! That will definitely be our next dessert made when my roommates and I have a "family" dinner! Jan's was very interesting because I have always wanted to travel abroad and unfortunately will not before I graduate, but I loved learning about it. Italy is one of the places I have always wanted to visit and that caught my interest as well. I also loved Jess' presentation on dark chocolate!! It's good to know that my dark chocolate and red wine are good for me! Everyone did a great job but those were favorite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Monica! I liked your presentation and I thought you presented some good information on Edisto! Especially the recipes! I just wanted to tell you I posted about it on my blog.